The Pan-Asian Screen Collective (PASC) is a not-for-profit incorporated society; established in 2018. We support, promote and advocate for practitioners of Pan-Asian descent in the New Zealand screen sectors.


PASC’s mission is to see more stories made by and about our Pan-Asian communities by supporting the careers of Pan-Asian practitioners.

PASC works alongside its funders to champion new storytellers, broaden the definition of what a New Zealand story can be, and supports the development of distinctive, authentic screen content that reflects the broad tapestry of narratives for audiences in Aotearoa and the world.

We refer to the United Nations definition of Pan-Asia which includes all of Asia as well as the Middle East.

PASC is working towards
equitable representation and closing the diversity gap through:

PASC identifies and develops programmes to build the capability of our members to realise opportunities in the screen sector and build their careers.


PASC has a seat at the table at key forums for policy, training and funding to ensure Pan-Asian screen practitioners are represented. PASC is a collective voice to support its members to be treated with dignity, respect and professionalism in the screen sector


PASC is a collective working to build a supportive, collaborative community of Pan-Asian screen practitioners to support their contribution to and participation in the Aotearoa New Zealand screen sector.



PASC’s volunteer elected board oversees activities and engages in wider industry matters on behalf of the collective. Our general manager, the only paid staff member, runs operations, and maintains PASC’s relationship and engagement with fellow guilds and industry organisations.



PASC operates with the assistance of many generous sponsors and supporters, and we gratefully acknowledge their ongoing support for Pan-Asians in the film and television industries.

Become a Partner

Contact us to find out more about becoming a corporate partner of PASC.


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